This page is to help my students and the trumpet community locate my personal recommendations for books, accessories, and other items related to the trumpet.
Zaja valve oil
5-Starr valve oil
Warburton PDQ valve oil
Schilke Slide Grease
Tarni-Shield Silver Polish
Method Books/Sheet Music
Arban’s Complete Conservatory Method
Clarke Technical Studies
Rubank Elementary Method
Rubank Intermediate Method
Rubank Advanced Method
Earl Irons 27 Groups of Exercises
Charles Colin Advanced Lip Flexibilities
Bai Lin Lip Flexibilities
Chris Gekker Articulation Studies
Belck Modern Lip Flexibilities for Brass
Belck Progressive Lip Flexibilities for Brass
Vincent Cichowicz Long Tone Studies
Theo Charlier 36 Etudes Trancendantes
Concone/John Sawyer Lyrical Studies for Trumpet or Horn
Larry Clark Studies in Lyricism
Johannes Rochut Melodius Etudes for Trombone
Bousquet Thirty-Six Celebrated Studies for Cornet
Goldman Practical Studies for the Trumpet
Walter Smith Top Tones
Sigmund Hering Thirty-Two Etudes for Trumpet or Cornet
Brandt Etudes for Trumpet
The Allen Vizzutti Trumpet Method, Book 1 (Technical Studies)
The Allen Vizzutti Trumpet Method, Book 2 (Harmonic Studies)
The Bb Real Book, Book 1, 2, & 3
Willie Thomas Jazz Anyone?
Tom Crown
Denis Wick
Charles Davis
Best Brass
Trumpet Stands
K & M Trumpet Stand
Hercules Travlite Trumpet Stand
Spyder Stand
Trumpet Cases
Gard Bags
Torpedo Cases
Protec Trumpet Mute Bag
Grado SR80i Stereo Headphones
See my blog post/review for the Grado SR80i here.
Etymotic Research ER20 Ear Plugs
Recommended Trumpet Brands
Bach, Schilke, Yamaha, Getzen, B&S, CarolBrass, Shires, Schagerl, and others. PLEASE ASK ME FOR RECOMMENDATIONS!
Recommended Mouthpiece Brands
Bach, Yamaha, Curry, Marcinkiewicz, Greg Black, GR, Stork, Schilke, Warburton, Patrick, Ken Titmus, and others. PLEASE ASK ME FOR RECOMMENDATIONS!