Warren Luening, R.I.P.

L.A. studio trumpet player Warren Luening passed away March 18th of complications from cancer. He was one of the best “unsung” heroes of the L.A. studio scene, having played on dozens of movie soundtracks, the Lawrence Welk show, Bob Florence, Rosemary Clooney, the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, and most recently the “Dancing With The Stars” orchestra. Warren, in my opinion, was one of the best “unknown” trumpet players (except to the trumpet community of course), ever.

A great writeup and obituary (with videos) can be found here.

2 Replies to “Warren Luening, R.I.P.”

  1. Eric,
    Thank you for the mention of Warren Luening and his passing. I worked with him back in 1975 I think, and sat right in front of him in the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. It was my first gig with the MSO, was playing bari sax, clarinet, flute, and alto flute. It was the big fund raiser for the year where the cheap seats were $250 each. A full week of rehearsal with Burt Bacharach, and he brought Warren along with him to play lead. Incredible sound, and the most musical trumpet player I ever worked with.

    I think we may have played a few gigs together on the SUPERDUPERBAND when Gary was still leading it. I played tenor sax with Gary’s big band starting back in 1974 when Daryl Stuermer was the guitar player with the band. All young guys in their 20’s back then, and it was a killer band. I used to have a steady jazz trio gig on weekends for 8 years at the Wyndham downtown in the 80’s, and Gary stopped down one night to ask me if I thought he should start the band up again. I told him yes, and thus was born the Superband at Jimmy D’s. I also live in Cedarburg, and the drive just got to be too much each week, so I begged off after a few years.

    Thanks again for paying homage to Warren Luening. Very few younger players have heard of him, and I was fortunate to have his bell right behind my head back in the 70’s. A truly great musician.

    1. Larry

      Great story(s). Bacharach’s trumpet/flugel solos are SO….Bacharach!
      Fair to assume the most distinctive are Warren?

      Rusty Wulff

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